Fish By Bowman

Friday, December 17, 2010

Table of Contents: Authority Rules Report

Table of Contents: Authority Rules Report I subscribed to CopyBlogger and this series of articles is excellent, pertinent, content rich, and must be shared.

How'er you doing? With Google, I mean... really. How'er you ranking? If SEO plays any part in your business, you'll want to read this Authority Rules Report. I haven't finished it yet, but I already know it's solid.

Have you thought about Blogging? If you can write -- you can blog. Select a forum and get started. I choose Blogger, Google's offering to the Bloggesphere for a couple or three reasons: 1. It's free. 2. It's user friendly great for beginners. 3. There's a platform that uses your Google Toolbar to publish Blog Posts from any site. 4. I figured Google would give a little more credibility and ranking to their own bloggers. And yeah that's more than three reasons, but that's why I choose Blogger. And I love it, I do, but for business... maybe I should have gone with Hubspot or WordPress. Finding CopyBlogger and subscribing to it has been a huge help.

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