Fish By Bowman

Thursday, December 23, 2010

EFA: Resources: Editorial Rates

EFA: Resources: Editorial Rates So, for my copy-writing, editing friends, here's the scoop on what typical editors charge for their work.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Selling Homes in the Winter

Selling a home in the dead of winter can be challenging, so says Dana Dratch, for in this article 13 Tips for Selling Your Home In Winter . With tips as simple as turning the thermostat up a couple of degrees, to present the house as a warm welcoming space, and using booties, which suggests the homeowners are meticulous, here you'll find a wealth of information. 

People who are shopping right now are serious buyers. Help your sellers to understand winter buyers NEED a home, ask them to make their homes a refuge from the chill of winter. Homes seem smaller with all of the plants and pets indoors. Your sellers should be made aware of how their home presents to a potential buyer. And it's up to you, the professional REALTOR to bring it to their attention.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Table of Contents: Authority Rules Report

Table of Contents: Authority Rules Report I subscribed to CopyBlogger and this series of articles is excellent, pertinent, content rich, and must be shared.

How'er you doing? With Google, I mean... really. How'er you ranking? If SEO plays any part in your business, you'll want to read this Authority Rules Report. I haven't finished it yet, but I already know it's solid.

Have you thought about Blogging? If you can write -- you can blog. Select a forum and get started. I choose Blogger, Google's offering to the Bloggesphere for a couple or three reasons: 1. It's free. 2. It's user friendly great for beginners. 3. There's a platform that uses your Google Toolbar to publish Blog Posts from any site. 4. I figured Google would give a little more credibility and ranking to their own bloggers. And yeah that's more than three reasons, but that's why I choose Blogger. And I love it, I do, but for business... maybe I should have gone with Hubspot or WordPress. Finding CopyBlogger and subscribing to it has been a huge help.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How to Combine Your Facebook Profile for Both Business and Pleasure | Social Media Today

How to Combine Your Facebook Profile for Both Business and Pleasure Social Media Today

Have you got personal friends and business friends on your Facebook page? Have you ever noticed an option "lists" when you're friending someone? This article tells how to use Facebook lists, so you don't send personal things to business friends and business things to your personal friends.

You do not have to create a second page! Use lists and keep one profile. has published this lovely blog post by Paul Sutton to tell you, and to show you with YouTube video, how to do it.