Fish By Bowman

Monday, May 3, 2010

17 Easy Steps to Brilliant Blog Posts | Copyblogger

Build it and they will come.

Isn't that a greaat line? It's from the movie, Field of Dreams.

And that's where it's going to stay, in a movie, in a made-up pretend world because, as any blogger knows, you can build it to the sky, and have no audience.

So, here's a lovely blog for you from Jill at Copyblogger 101.

17 Easy Steps to Brilliant Blog Posts | Copyblogger

Jill reminds me that there has to be a point to all your blogging - I've been collecting free stuff for REALTORS and sharing it - but without a call to action.

And what is it I want you to do?

Well, I want you to stay in business. If you stay in business and need to advertise your business, and you'd do business with me, or at least let me tell you about my business, unless you tell me to mind my own business, which is my businss cause my business IS keeping you in business. You see?

In a nutshell, I'd love to help you with your ads, which I am quite good at.

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