Fish By Bowman

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's A Very Good Thing

To be found online.

These days there's a trememdous amount of pressure to be blogging, to Twit or not to Twit, to get Linkedin, to be named on Naymz, get friended with facebook, and to hold court on My Space. Well I'm doing some of it.

facebook: Karen McCall
Twitter: KDMcCall
LinkedIn: Karen McCall
MySpace: Karen D McCall
Blogger: Karen's Corner
Active Rain: KDMcCall
Naymz: Karen McCall

Why? Well Goll - lee, that's a good question. And I don't have a good answer for you except that in all honesty, the only way you can learn this technology is to use it and the only way I can help my clients to use it is to use it myself. So, is this the next new thing in real estate? I have to say it just might be - social media marketing is growing in leaps and bounds.
Like I told a REALTOR this morning, I don't know if this is going to help you sell real estate or not, but it will help you to be found, and with all of the noise online these days, anything that helps someone who's looking for you to find you - well, for a REALTOR that would be a good thing. A very good thing.

1 comment:

KD McCall said...

Oh, uh, I was just going to say I was wondering how this comment thing worked.